The Didn’t Get What You Wanted $500 Gadget Giveaway Winner!


    Last week was giveaway time!  You had all week to get in your giveaway entry, before I got my act together here on January 1st (see, kicking off the new year right!).

    A mere 5,994 of you entered the giveaway to pickup a gadget that your loved one didn’t reign down on you over Christmas.  that gadget would come in the form of a $500 credit to Clever Training!

    As is usually the case, I hopped over to my lovely friend,, and stuck in the total number of entries and had it find me a winner:


    Then I went and found #534 in the comments section:


    Félicitations Philippe!  You’ve just got yourself a brand new Suunto Spartan Ultra (or, whatever it is you wanted under $500), but I’m happy to give you that little bit extra to get the Spartan Ultra instead.  From looking at his site, looks like he’s been getting in the miles kilometers the last few days!

    As for everyone else?  Well, you can still go buy some love for yourself from Clever Training, and by supporting the site through them you’ll also save 10% on basically everything they sell, either using the DCR 10% coupon code of %CLEVERTRANING%, or for some products the VIP points program.

    And if you’re in Europe (like Philippe)?  You can simply use Clever Training Europe to save a bundle there without any tax/duty complications – it’s now up and live with free Europe shipping on many items plus the usual DCR 10% coupon savings on everything (no VIP stuff required).

    Thanks to them for the giveaway, and everyone for the support!